Thursday, January 20, 2011

The obligatory introductory post

Hi, I'm Kristin (a.k.a. Quis to college and grad school colleagues), an American postdoc living and working in Canada (well, not quite yet, but I'll explain below).  I am starting this blog to keep my American friends and family up to speed on my life in Canada for the two years I will be there, and also to share interesting thoughts and information along the way.

As mentioned, I am not in Canada yet, but I'm gearing up to go.  My movers come tomorrow, and then I will be cleaning and bare-bones living in my Pennsylvania apartment until Tuesday, at which point I will hop into my packed Toyota (affectionately known as Princess III) and head up to Toronto.  There is a lot to do between then and now, but luckily the legal paperwork has all been pushed through (that will be the topic of my next post).

So, sit back and enjoy this academic's ramblings.  And for those of my friends with whom I have shared that I own ridiculous maple leaf pajama pants, feast your eyes:

The infamous pants!

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